UAG Direct Access client Fail to connect. DA is configured and disabled.

I got couple of users using Windows 7 reporting that they can't connect using Direct Access anymore whether its HTTPS or Teredo, DA just won't work. Upon further discussing the issue with them they mentioned that they enabled and disabled the Direct Access Connectivity assistant (DCA) Use Local DNS couple of times in an effort to work it out.

We started troubleshooting by checking the Name Resolution Policy table and we noticed that the NRPT was not getting applied on the DA client as shown below.

The next step was checking the DA resolution using the netsh dns show state command and it turned to be disabled.

Name Resolution Policy Table Options

Query Failure Behavior                : Always fall back to LLMNR and NetBIOS
                                        if the name does not exist in DNS or
                                        if the DNS servers are unreachable
                                        when on a private network

Query Resolution Behavior             : Resolve only IPv6 addresses for names

Network Location Behavior             : Never use Direct Access settings

Machine Location                      : Outside corporate network

Direct Access Settings                : Configured and Disabled

DNSSEC Settings                       : Not Configured

The DA client already has the correct group policies, certificates but its disabled.

The next step was checking the below registry key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DNSClient EnableDAForAllNetworks"

The value of the key was set to 2 which means that DA is disabled !

Upon deleting the registry key, the DA started working normally without any problem.

For more information about the EnableDAForAllNetworks and its different values please check the below URL. 

On both cases that i have seen so far the reason was playing with the DCA settings (Use local DNS) which triggered the flipping of this registry key from Automatic to disabled.

Hopefully this could help someone with the same problem.



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